
2 Feb 2012

Prophet and the Muslim Ummah

The best of the firmly-intentioned prophets is the Prophet Muhammad (sas), the seal of the prophets, the imam of the pious, the foremost among the sons of Adam, the imam of the prophets when they gathered (on the night of israa’), and their speaker when they came in delegations, the one of the praiseworthy position (Al-Maqaam al-mahmood) for which he will be envied by people of the early and the late generations, the possessor of the flag of praise (Al-hamd), the possessor of the pond to which believers will flock (Al-hawdh which awaits Muhammad and his followers in paradise),
the Intercessor for the creation on the day of Qiyama, the owner of Al-waseela and Alfadheela, the one with whom Allah sent the best of His books, and ordained the best laws of His deen, and made his nation the best nation brought forth for the people. Allah gathered together for Muhammad and for his followers all qualities of dignity and goodness which were divided among the previous nations, never found all at once. They are the last nation to be created, the first nation to be brought back, as the Prophet said in the sahih hadith:
"We are the last ones, the first ones on the day of Qiyama. Even though they were given the Book before us, and we were given it after them, this is their day over which they have differed (he is referring to Friday), to which Allah has guided us. The people then follow after us: tomorrow for the Jews, and the day after tomorrow for the Christians."

"I am the first one who the earth will give up.

"I will come to the door of paradise and seek entry. The guard will say: "Who are you?" When I say that I am Muhammad, he will say: "You are the one for whom I was ordered to open to no one before you."
- Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
Al furqaan bayna awliya ar-Rahmaan wa awliyah as-shaytaan
(english translation by Salim Abdullah ibn Morgan)

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