
3 Feb 2012

As another Rabi-ul-Awwal passes by...

All praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings be upon his messenger Muhammad.
I would like to begin by reminding myself and all the Muslims to fear Allah! Fear Allah with regards to your religion, with regards to the worldly affairs; that which is halal and that which is haraam, and fear Allah with regards to that which islam has no need of (ie. the innovations). And from amongst the most reprehensible of the innovations is the celebration of Mawlid an nabawi. Now once again the time has come where instead of drawing closer to Allah, the masses of Muslims are moving away from Allah and his religion.

2 Feb 2012

Prophet and the Muslim Ummah

The best of the firmly-intentioned prophets is the Prophet Muhammad (sas), the seal of the prophets, the imam of the pious, the foremost among the sons of Adam, the imam of the prophets when they gathered (on the night of israa’), and their speaker when they came in delegations, the one of the praiseworthy position (Al-Maqaam al-mahmood) for which he will be envied by people of the early and the late generations, the possessor of the flag of praise (Al-hamd), the possessor of the pond to which believers will flock (Al-hawdh which awaits Muhammad and his followers in paradise),